Saturday, August 21, 2010

Rock Paper Scissors

When I woke up today -- there was no sign of life

I could tell that they were up late -- 1/2 the crate of clementine oranges was gone.

I was starving -- and had planned on pancakes -- but as the hours ticked away -- I gave up on that.

I fried up some bacon and ate my share leaving some for the girls. Finally I wrote a note for the girls and put it on the TV

I got my haircut -- and went to the store -- and made my friend Jill's crockpot pulled pork recipe (it's in the crock pot) for tomorrow night

and they slept on and on

Finally -- a sign of life!

they emerged -- groggy -- crabby -- hungry

Miss M just waved at Miss J and I and went directly into the bathroom -- showered and emerged cleaner but no less groggy.

I kept my distance.

Today -- I asked Miss M if she wants Miss J to stay another night -- she said "Yes!"

So I said -- "good -- you should ask her" -- She said, "No, YOU ask her" I said -- do you want to do 'rock paper scissors?'

apparently they also have this in Mongolia -- only I can't pronounce it (more giggles at my attempt)

I won


The jury is still out -- the shy Miss M has not yet asked....stay tuned...

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