Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Is it really my choice?

I am just back from the Gyno for my annual exam

lucky this year -- mammogram scheduled -- but I don't have to have the humiliating and uncomfortable probing that is the transvaginal ultrasound

thank God

The ship has sailed for me -- I've had the ablation -- so no debilitating periods

and I quit the pill last year

I'm a condom girl
although I hate them

they're such thin insurance
aren't they?

We've had them come off
and had to fish one out

there's always the risk of breakage

condoms in our committed relationship
isn't the best long term plan

back on the pill?
no thanks

so -- I'm finally going to make the leap
and get the tubal ligation

the procedure is a bit different these days -- but it's essentially the same

that's not what I'm blogging about today

I'm blogging about how my doctor
how YOUR doctor
decides on your treatment

I'm sure you've heard the phrase

"If your insurance covers X we could do that"

let's just let that sink in

shall we?

doctors do this all the time

they dictate YOUR treatment
off what YOU can afford

what your insurance will pay

this includes tests
and treatment
and medication

I get all sorts of tests when I go to the doctor
that other women don't get

because my insurance will pay
and if not
my doctor knows that I can pay

but if I didn't have insurance
would I get the choice at all?

would I get the choice of having this procedure
that isn't invasive
that isn't painful
and that takes care of my pesky fertility?
(because yes -- I'm still fertile -- although a pregnancy would be dangerous for me and lethal for the baby)

or would I get only one choice
the cheapest choice

so when religious organizations
want to regulate what they will cover

and I'm pretty sure they're not going to cover tubal ligations
if they won't pay for the pill

will that be a choice that women even get?

when we make the poor poorer
we take away their choices

because those choices aren't even offered to them

choice is becoming a luxury item these days

Health Care Reform is essential

and you may not agree with how it's delivered
or how it's paid for

but I have yet to hear one single person
living at the poverty level

that they don't want it

only the people who already have what they need
who already have CHOICES
say that heath care reform isn't needed.

that it's wrong
that it's not a human right

I live a privileged life

I have choice
because I can AFFORD choice


  1. Isn't tubal ligation some form of abortion? You're going to hell. ;)

  2. Only for the Catholics
    and I'll only burn if I have sex again



    yeah -- going to hell.
