Saturday, May 30, 2009


I make decisions all the time at work -- every day -- without any kind of problem

So why is it that in my personal life -- I'm so often paralyzed by indecision:

What cell plan should I choose?
Should I buy a new sofa?
Change car insurance coverage?
Open enrollment for benefits -- should I change my plan?
Should I go for a promotion?

I never had this problem when I was married -- and you might be thinking -- well sure -- you had him to bounce things off of -- but really -- no.

The ex was useless at that sort of thing -- not a good listener -- gave no valuable advice -- he was willing to abdicate his responsibility for all of these decisions to me. And the decisions I made when we were married had much larger consequences --

What's changed in me?

I think I've lost the illusion of support -- that I sold to everyone else for so long -- that I even bought into it myself. I'm Linus without his blanket

So what's this all about -- maybe it's a visit to the confessional. I'm facing up to the facts --I don't miss him -- not by any means -- I just want my blanky.

And it's time to give the blanky up.

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