Sunday, September 26, 2010

Birthday Plans

I'm excited for Miss M's birthday!

It's tomorrow --but I think her family is going to Skype with her today (at least I hope so) for her Mongolian birthday (due to the time difference)

and we'll be going out for dinner tomorrow night for her American birthday

and there'll be an outing next Saturday with friends.

16 is a big deal here
18 is the big birthday in Mongolia

I think this is a happy medium.

I had mentioned to the program's AC that Em would like a sister -- and that I was not opposed to this --

to me this is a once in a lifetime experience -- what difference does it make if I add one more -- and it might enrich the experience for all 3 of us.

The AC sent me an email -- she has someone who's coming out in January -- do we want to see her profile.


I came home to talk to Miss M -- she was initially very excited -- but we talked about it -- and agreed that this is going to take a family decision
we're going to make a Pro Con list -- review the profile and make a decision.

I loved Em's comment

"We would need a lot more rules"

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