Tuesday, March 15, 2011

you CAN go home again

Day 3

Boy – I have to say – it would be hard to beat the fun we had on Day 2!
I had planned for us to head out to Durango at 6am – but seriously – it became clear that that was going to be too little sleep so I texted the girls that I wanted to leave at 8 instead.

We had a quick breakfast and hopped into the car and headed North to Durango

Home sweet home
And I have to tell you – having made this drive at least a 100 times – I was dreading this drive – because – well – it’s so BLECH


My childhood contempt for New Mexico seems to have faded – there are really beautiful parts of that drive – perhaps making it with two sets of brand new eyes in the car has changed things – we oooh and aaaahed along the way until the teens lost consciousness and I was left to sing Billy Joel off key to myself and cruise along the road

There were a few times I actually considered waking them up – but in the end just let the car chew up the miles and spit them back up behind me.

One of the things that Miss M really wanted to see on this trip was a Native Amercian Pueblo – and it ends up we can’t see the Taos Pueblo on the way back because it’s closed at this time of year – yesterday we had the chance to see some Native Americans in Santa Fe and she remarked that some of them sort of look Mongolian.

We got to talk about how many people think that some Mongolian and Siberian people may have come over the land bridge – I told her that in a way? They sort of could be Mongolian – very very very very slightly.

As we got closer to Aztec – I discovered that I could ALMOST take her to a Pueblo – the Aztec Ruins are there – ok – they’re not AZTEC ruins – they’re RUINS in Aztec NM – We had a blast wandering around – and took the most amazing photos in the reconstructed Kiva

Then? – on to Durango

This was my first time home since 1994 – and I know that many people come back here and get really upset at how much it’s changed – and it has. But it is more unchanged than changed in my mind. Places I worked are still there – and houses I lived in are (mostly) the same – except FOR THE LOVE OF GOD – HOW DID THE PEOPLE IN OUR HOUSE LET THAT TREE GET SO INSANELY BIG???
We had a great picnic by the bridge I walked to school over – Miss S’s first picnic ever – just three girls enjoying the sun – and the Spring breeze – and the river

And we shopped – like you do here.

Downtown is very changed – and not really for the better.

But Durango was never downtown for me

It was walking the train tracks by the river
It was visiting the fish hatchery
Or the fairgrounds to see the horses

Durango was visiting with a stranger in a store and discovering that we knew some of the same people (which we did)

Durango is strangers waving and saying ‘Hi” and smiling –

I know why people love it here so much
And why it’s always going to be home

No matter how long I’m gone.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Laughs and Screams

We decided to head to Santa Fe today -- but I wanted to revisit some of my favorite places

Madrid (you pronounce it MADrid instead of MaDRID) and Cerillos....so the back way to Santa Fe.

We walked out the door and got in the car and had the most amazing surprise


tons of hot air balloons

I hadn't hoped to see any this time of year -- I didn't even mention them to the girls -- and we spent about 20 minutes chasing balloon pictures


We had a nice breakfast at Village Inn and a visit to the Dollar Store and then headed up the canyon.

I had gotten lost last night -- thinking that the Sandias were North -- which turned me all around -- now that I remember they are east it's easy for me to find my way.

We made a few photo stops along the way and found our way to MADrid

Miss S said she needed to go to the bathroom -- and I found a lovely port-o-potty

horrified she peeked in.

Miss M assured her it was fine -- if a bit dark inside

"where does it go?" -- she asked -- noticing that they're a bit off the ground

"it stays in there" I told her

"eventually they'll haul it away and clean it out"

the need to pee outweighed the need to avoid the portopotty (btw - -these are very clean ones) -- and she broke down and used it.

We walked about 15 feet and found the public potties


we couldn't stop laughing -- eventually though - -the girls noticed that the town was full of shops and we headed into one

MADrid is a ghost town that hippies have pounced on -- tie-dyed -- and turned into a tourist industry. If you saw the movie Wild Hogs it was filmed there (although parts of it were actually in cerillos)

the second Miss M stepped in she saw a lovely maxi dress and had to see how it would look -- she put it over herself by slipping the hanger over her head -- and next thing I hear are girls screaming SPIDER! WHERE?! WHERE?! And a dress being ejected off her

Initially I rolled my eyes and said "seriously?" -- until I saw the large spider scurry away --

I picked up the dress and the shop owner came over with an upset look until I showed her the spider's next that was on the back of the dress

the victims fled -- laughing and shuddering -- but the siren song of the dress called them back -- um -- until they found out the spider dress was over $100.


then off to Santa Fe with a stop in the ghost town Cerillos

I got to wave in a vanna-esque fashion at the State Prison -- the girls were very excited to see a real prison

and Santa Fe -- well

was Santa Fe

Lovely Cathedral

Expensive souvenirs


and the girls got to hear me drop the F-bomb because I tried to park on the street and the new car makes this urgent beep-beep-beep sound when you're too close to something -- but I don't know if it means that I'm going to hear glass any second or if I'm find -- I started to panic

and yeah
I dropped the Fbomb

I parked at covered parking for whopping 8 bucks instead

I need to get someone who speaks English as a first language and knows how to drive to stand behind and wave me in the first time so I can figure out where the bumpers are!

We had a horrible lunch at the Burro Alley Cafe (and who would have thought it would be bad with such a name?) -- and finally headed back (the fast way) to ABQ to have dinner with Matt and Dominick (everyone wave hello at Matt and Dominick!)

we had a terrific pizza and got to know an old friend again -- and get acquainted with his son

Facebook really is cool for hooking up with old friends.

and we topped the night off with a trip up to the Tramway parking lot to view the city.

Day 2 -- filled with laughs and screams -- what more can you ask?

Saturday, March 12, 2011


The alarm went off at o'dark-thirty -- giving me about 45 minutes before waking the teens to pack (yeah -- I should have packed earlier), make breakfast and arrange things in the car before the girls got up

I made home fries and toast and basted e)ggs (Thank you Paul for showing me that Man vs Food episode -- I've learned a new trick to make perfect eggs -- they're so pretty they look PLASTIC! -- um -- in a good way

I consulted the trip spreadsheet

oh -- YOU don't use a trip spreadsheet? -

huh -- well -- good luck with that

I consulted the trip spreadsheet which had us leaving at 6 -- allowed for the 10 hour drive plus 2 hours of peeing, eating and photo taking -- putting us in ABQ 12 hours later

We got out at 6:30

and yes -- I did consider cutting back on peeing

but instead -- I adjusted my plan

see I'm flexible!!

and got the kiddos in the car -- complete with pink pillow cases to make sure pillows don't get left behind in hotels.

Armed with my ubiquitous cup of earl grey -- Billy Joel and the Simon and Garfunkel Concert in the Park CD -- I was ready to go -- the teens -- promptly lost consciousness.

and off we went

but not before we decided that we had to fix something

see -- we have a problem -- Miss S (who's joining us for this trip?) -- she's a bit too polite.

I know, I know -- what sort of moron complains about polite teens.

but there's no way we can have a week of "may I have a glass of water"

so -- we have temporarily adopted her into the family for a week

when she asks if she can have something that a family member should help themselves with?

Miss M and I are answering "NO"

Miss S is a quick study --

Normally -- I have some hysterical tale to tell on my vacation -- I mean -- who can forget my dad breaking the bottom out of the salsa jar in Sn Miguel

but so far?

It's just this incredibly giddy, happy time


except apparently? I have to flip coins to get the politeness twins to make decisions like -- who gets what bed.

Stay tuned -- I'm certain that hilarity will ensue.

Monday, March 7, 2011

The Spring Break Plan

Miss S, Miss M and I are going on Spring Break together! -- Yay!

Here's the plan -- brace yourselves -- because it's nuts

Friday -- School and Work as normal -- except that Miss M has a competition and performs at 8:50 (seriously -- 8:50PM) which means we cannot leave on our trip until Saturday morning. I'm not sure if Miss S's host parents can bring her Friday night -- so if not -- I'll go pick her up at 6pm and drive back here so we can pick up Miss M from her competition and then get back home by 11ish

Saturday -- Leave for NM -- no later than 6am. It's a bit over a 10 hour drive through the least lovely parts of TX -- but should still be fun since the thrill of the adventure will still be upon us.....the girls will likely sleep for much of it.

Saturday night I thought it would be fun to explore Old Town Albuquerque -- always a good time.

Sunday -- Sunday I thought we would sleep in a bit and then drive to Santa Fe for the day -- followed by returning to ABQ to sleep.

Monday -- Drive to Durango -- it's about 4 hours -- I've done that drive a 1000 times.....back when I lived in ABQ and my parents were in Durango -- it was a common occurance -- in fact-- it happened almost any time I had more than 2 days off. There is a rest stop with giant cement Teepees that I'm sure the girls will love

Tuesday -- Drive to Denver -- over wolf creek pass.... this should be the most scenic part of the trip. This drive takes about 8 hours -- I'm budgeting 10 or 11 -- just because there's so much to see.

Wednesday -- Hang out in Denver -- see the brother and SIL -- do Denver things (see this is where the plan gets all vague)

Thursday -- Leave Denver and drive to Cimarron -- 5 hours give or take -- in Cimarron? Visit the St James Hotel -- which is totally haunted.

Friday -- Visit Taos -- See Art -- hang out -- (We think the Taos pueblo is closed -- so that's a no-go) Get in the car around 7pm and drive until we can't drive no more. Clayton NM? maybe

Saturday -- return home -- about 8 hours

Sunday -- Rest - Take Miss S home.

So this weekend we did all sorts of "get ready for the trip" things -- we're excited and raring to go

I need to send Sabina a list of things to remember
I need to call my Dr to get an Rx filled
I need to clean out the car
I need to buy snacks for the trip

Oh - crap

I need to get off my butt and wake up Miss M -- it's only Monday -- must stay focused.