Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Leap

So we've been reviewing profiles of other students

and I've gone back and forth on adding another student

there are good reasons to do it.

there are good reasons not to do it.

but it comes down to -- "Am I on this adventure or am I not?"

I hate that I have been so risk-adverse for so much of my life.
I love the idea that I've been brave enough to do this

it's a huge blessing

and I know that stepping in to this again will also be a blessing

even if it's horrible
even if she's disruptive
or doesn't connect with us

this too will be a rich experience I can add to my life experiences.

This year will be one of the years that I will revisit over and over again in the future -- in my old age -- these are the children that will remember me.

or at least some of the children who will remember me.

So -- we liked the profile of a girl from Germany -- but she was gone by the time I got off the pot and made a decision.

So today - -they sent us 2 profiles of girls from Italy.

And we chose Camilla.

Camilla will be our new daughter
and our new sister

God willing

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Birthday Plans

I'm excited for Miss M's birthday!

It's tomorrow --but I think her family is going to Skype with her today (at least I hope so) for her Mongolian birthday (due to the time difference)

and we'll be going out for dinner tomorrow night for her American birthday

and there'll be an outing next Saturday with friends.

16 is a big deal here
18 is the big birthday in Mongolia

I think this is a happy medium.

I had mentioned to the program's AC that Em would like a sister -- and that I was not opposed to this --

to me this is a once in a lifetime experience -- what difference does it make if I add one more -- and it might enrich the experience for all 3 of us.

The AC sent me an email -- she has someone who's coming out in January -- do we want to see her profile.


I came home to talk to Miss M -- she was initially very excited -- but we talked about it -- and agreed that this is going to take a family decision
we're going to make a Pro Con list -- review the profile and make a decision.

I loved Em's comment

"We would need a lot more rules"

Thursday, September 16, 2010


It started to rain

Em ran into the room

"It's raining!"

We had to go out on the patio to watch the rain

It was pelting down so hard the drops where bouncing back up into the air as they hit the grass.

Em stood on a chair to reach one hand out into the rain

"want to go out in it?"

she looked at me in shock


"Come on", I replied -- "Let's do it"

We were soaked in seconds

she announced that she wanted to see the pool and reached her arm out to grab my hand so we could run together through the heavy rain

I was shocked
and pleased
and touched

We ran laughing -- and looked at the pool -- wishing we had cameras that would have been ruined by the downpour

The rain was painfully sideways on the run back -- we were laughing and gasping as the rain was inhaled into our lungs

-- it was a beautiful moment

We were family/friends/sisters all at once

Sunday, September 12, 2010

strange encounter

I bumped into my Gynecologist at TJ Maxx

She was shopping in the home goods section and at first I couldn't place her -- I actually went down an aisle she was in -- wracking my brain to try to place her.

She was very very familiar

but I had no idea where I had seen her before

When it hit me it was very strange

Like running into a former teacher at a bar

She looked like she was having fun -- browsing -- I said hello (she said hello back in an absent way that told me she had no idea who I was) and we went about our Saturday

It was surreal -- like coming home and finding the dog washing the dishes.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Fake Sick or Home Sick?

Miss M stayed home today

She woke up complaining that her eyes hurt -- I the she wanted me to tell her to stay home

I didn't bite

I hoped she would suck it up and go to school

eventually she asked to stay home -- and I allowed it

after assurances that there are no tests to be missed and knowing that homework was done

she slept most of the day

I wonder if she's finally feeling homesick

Mom would have been nice when she feels sick

I'm not mom.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Send in the Clones

I am a terrible American

I have kept Miss M from the most essential of American experiences

I have kept her from


What a horrible oversight

Sunday --we went to the movies and saw Despicable Me in 3D-- they have 3D in Mongolia -- but it's the kind with the red and blue glasses -- I think Em liked it -- but she would have rather seen a slasher flick or Step Up 3D -- maybe next time.

She took pity on me -- she knew I wanted to see this one

So -- afterwards -- I offered Mexican or McDonalds

2 guesses which one she chose -- first guess doesn't count

She ordered a Quarter Pounder -- she wanted to order and pay for it herself -- We took about 15 pictures -- ordering it -- the box, the soda, the burger (before, during and after)

She kept asking me about the clone --

I had no idea what she meant

finally --I figure it out

O-W-N is own

so if you add a cl to that -you get "clone" (very logical)

English is weird

Monday, September 6, 2010

A recent dream

I fell asleep on a friend's couch -- and had the following dream

I had to go back to the office -- which for some reason was both my current office and a hospital.

I got into the parking lot and was irritated that the security guard was nowhere to be found.

I got out of my car and headed to the main building -- which involved climbing down a steep ravine and fording a small stream before heading up the cliff face on the other side

As I was climbing I noticed that a burro pulling a cart was working his way down the parking lot side of the ravine -- the cart held a woman and many packages -- and her husband walked along side -- another man lead the burro. They were all wearing complicated disguises -- which included beards and fake beauty marks and big straw hats.

As they reached the bottom of the ravine they took off their hats and threw them like boomerangs to man in a roach coach who caught them with ease and put them on the racks with all the other hats -- and I realize that this is a people smuggling operation and they are 'coyotes'.

I continue up the hill and reach above my head to open this old white wooden door -- I'm pissed when I discover the door isn't locked (seriously -- what sort of security team do we HAVE anyway!) and I lift my leather backpack (which I'm pretty sure the ex got in the divorce) over my head and shove it just inside the door where I can find it tomorrow.

I woke up -- very irritated at security.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Study Aids

School has just been a bitch

and I feel for her

Foreign language classes don't prepare you to analyze literature and discuss the political reasons for various events in US History

Vocabulary is the ENEMY

We're going to beat this -- one Latin or Greek root word at a time.

I see flashcards in our future


The girls got up early -- about 8:30 -- now that they're on school schedules -- it feels like sleeping in.

At 10:30 -- they were eating sandwiches -- I scolded a bit - "We're going to KoMart for LUNCH"

"When" asked Em


"I can eat again"

Shit -- teenagers -- it's almost a little disgusting.

My Mom assures me that at this age they're either eating all the time - or nothing at all --

So Let's see -- at this point in the day Em has eaten: A banana, a small orange, some left over popcorn, two swiss roll cakes and a roast beef sandwich.

We pack up and head out to pick up Amy in Irving

Miss M and Miss J think that everything here is very far -- when I declare that Amy lives only 27 miles away -- they look at me like I'm insane.

We picked up Amy and headed to KoMart

KoMart is this big Korean grocery store where you can buy anything at the grocery store, buy electronics, shoes and sit down and have lunch.

I picked up a hand basket that was almost instantly full of all the things that Miss J misses from home -- Miss M found her beloved "Choco-pies" and was blissful

I was asked, "When will we come again?" -

"Not for quite some time -- it's far"

and 2 more choco pie boxes were in my basket (now replaced with a cart)

We had a lovely Korean-Korean food lunch -- where I was grateful that I had the "if its orange it's hot" guideline -- and headed to the next adventure.

The Mall

We went to Southlake -- one of those Malls that looks like a town -- but is really just a big shopping mall and set the girls loose with the instructions, "do not leave the boundaries of the map (Yes -- this mall has a MAP) and meet us at THIS starbucks at 5"

They were stunned and pleased with the unexpected freedom -- and ran off in the direction of Victoria's Secret

Amy and I wandered around looking at things -- ate some Toll House Cookies and found ourselves at Barnes and Noble

At 4:45 -- I got a call from Miss J -- wanting to know if I had said 5 or 6 ("Five" I assured her) -- amazing how 2 1/2 hours seemed decadent -- now it was too short.

They came back with Jamba Juice (Now the count includes another orange, a large Korean lunch of what I think was Kimchi soup, a choco-pie and a jamba juice)

We had chili for dinner -- and Miss M finally declared herself full -- and rounded off the evening watching a TIVOed So You Think You Can Dance

I think I might be the fun-mom

who would have thought....

Friday, September 3, 2010

What a week!

Mom and Dad were a God-send -- they came and hung out with Miss M all week while I was at the conference that never ended

I knew it would be demanding on my time -- but I didn't expect that I would be there from 6am to 10pm every day.

I missed Miss M

and I think she missed me too.

She had a great time with Mom and Dad -- and now -- we're starting our holiday weekend.

Miss J has joined us again this weekend and they're making personalized Tshirts -- and giggling

like you do

Tomorrow we're going to go to KoMart to see if their Korean food is Korean and maybe

brace yourself

to the mall.

Thank God Amy's going with us -- it'll save my sanity......Miss M is DYING to go to Victoria's Secret