Saturday, November 6, 2010

All Roads Lead to Nascar -- again


How much do I hate Nascar weekends

(previous post from April)

Emma and I tried to go to Walmart last Thursday -- and gave up -- you couldn't even get through the parking lot.

What was I thinking -- WALMART???? on NASCAR WEEKEND?


So we're off to go shopping and see a movie with my cool friend Amy (she's that cool Aunt that every girl loves -- Miss M's psyched to see her) -- and

I'm ashamed to say it

buy a space heater

because we're cold

Miss M's room is freezing -- it's about 6 or 7 degrees colder than the rest of my cold apartment -- something we never seem to be able to rectify... time to put in another work order.


oh -- on the Miss J front -- she's moved to her new family -- well sort of -- the new family had a trip planned for this week -- so she's staying with friends of the new family

it's all so fucked up.

I feel very bad for her -- and I'm helpless to do a darn thing

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