Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Yeah -- he's a catch

From Craigslist missed connections

to the lady I once adored - m4w - 56
Reply to: pers-mtswx-1256708497@craigslist.org Date: 2009-07-06, 6:20PM CDT

I'm the type of man that only persues one relationship. That being said, I am s-o-o-o-o glad you showed what a bitch you are before I wasted any time with you.

oooooooooh and an almost accidental haiku!

Break Room - m4w - 40 (We work in Richardson)
Reply to: pers-2hjx4-1251195690@craigslist.org Date: 2009-07-02, 7:37PM CDT

This past wednesday
we made eye contact, 2 times
You came in for ice.

I don't even know your name!

1 comment:

  1. And it's almost a haiku!

    Oh, I suppose you could say "wed-nes-day"

    No, not really...
