Thursday, July 2, 2009

Teambuilding gone bad.

The Backstory: Naked Friday proves a hit at marketing firm

.....Ailing design and marketing company onebestway, in Newcastle upon Tyne in northern England, were convinced by a business psychologist to get their gear off for Naked Friday in an effort to boost team spirit. Psychologist David Taylor told The Sun that going naked would allow the team to lose their inhibitions and talk more openly and honestly with each other. "Inviting an organisation to go naked is the most extreme technique I've used," he said.
.....nearly all of the staff turned up in their birthday suits on the day – except for one man who chose to wear a posing pouch and two women who kept their underwear on. Front-of-house manager Sam Jackson told The Sun: “It was brilliant. Now that we've seen each other naked, there are no barriers. "We weren't put under pressure. If we wanted to come in clothed or in our underwear, we could. But I love my body and wasn't ashamed."

Part of my job is to keep up with the HR news -- this came in today. My first thought -- Is there some sort of English April fools day in July?

How do you even present such a thing? What does the Policy look like on this one.

SOP 874 - Naked Friday

Purpose: To promote free communication throughout the company

  • Associates may choose to wear or not wear clothes within Dress Code
  • During naked Friday you may not wear tube tops, hot pants, coulottes, t-shirts with offensive statements or flip flops in alignment with Dress Code guidelines Monday - Thursday.
  • Associates wearing inappropriate clothing will be asked to strip naked immediately in order to comply with Naked Friday Dress Code guidelines
  • If the need arises, Associates experiencing unexpected autonomic responses may take their scheduled 15 minute break without notice........


  1. ::raising hand::

    What if I have a potentially offensive tattoo in a strategic place?

    Like, say, I'm declaring my undying love for my supervisor across my buttocks?

    How many HR rules would that break?

    Wait, did I say me? I meant, a "friend", yeah, a "friend" has a tattoo declaring HIS undying love for his supervisor across HIS buttocks...

  2. Wow -- that's very distrubing -- for me AND for Graham.

  3. See, I knew you were going to go there...

    And I was talking about Ernest's tattoo anyway...
